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4. Homework "Tamagotchi Interaction"

In this assignment, we'll practice the knowledge from previous lessons to handle the set tasks.

Smart contract

0️⃣ Don't forget to sync your fork with the template repository upstream. Then copy all changes from 01-tamagotchi folder that you made in the previous lesson to the 02-tamagotchi-interaction folder and push them to the master branch. Create a new branch for your current homework. All new changes should be made in the 02-tamagotchi-interaction folder.

1️⃣ Let's expand the Tamagochi state by adding the following field to its structure:

  • owner - the Tamagotchi owner (it can be an account to initialize the Tamagotchi contract);
  • Mood: fed (from 1 to 10000), entertained (from 1 to 10000), and slept (from 1 to 10000). These values must be set to non-zero when initializing the Tamagotchi contract.
  • Also, add fields for block numbers when the Tamagotchi last ate, had fun, and slept.
#[derive(Default, Encode, Decode, TypeInfo)]
pub struct Tamagotchi {
// ... (copy fields from the previous lesson)
pub owner: ActorId,
pub fed: u64,
pub fed_block: u64,
pub entertained: u64,
pub entertained_block: u64,
pub slept: u64,
pub slept_block: u64,

2️⃣ Your Tamagotchi program should accept the following messages:

#[derive(Encode, Decode, TypeInfo)]
pub enum TmgAction {
// ... (copy variants from the previous lesson)

3️⃣ The program should also emit the corresponding events:

#[derive(Encode, Decode, TypeInfo)]
pub enum TmgEvent {
// ... (copy variants from the previous lesson)

4️⃣ Define the following constants:

  • HUNGER_PER_BLOCK = 1: how much Tamagotchi becomes hungry for the block (becomes less fed);
  • BOREDOM_PER_BLOCK = 2 - how bored Tamagotchi gets per block (becomes less entertained);
  • ENERGY_PER_BLOCK = 2 - how much Tamagotchi loses energy per block (becomes less slept);
  • FILL_PER_FEED = 1000 - how much Tamagotchi becomes full during feeding;
  • FILL_PER_ENTERTAINMENT = 1000 - how much Tamagotchi becomes happy during entertainment;
  • FILL_PER_SLEEP = 1000 - how much energy Tamagotchi gets per sleep.

5️⃣ Think of logic for calculating the fed, entertained and slept levels. To determine the number of blocks when the Tamagotchi last ate, had fun or slept, utilize the exec::block_height() from the module exec of gstd library.

6️⃣ Don't forget to cover new functionality with tests.


Now, upload your contract to the blockchain and run the frontend application. Choose Lesson 2.

Now you can feed your Tamagotchi, play with it and send it to sleep.

Also, you can use the frontend deployed in your GitHub Pages.

Please attach a link to the pull request (PR) in your repo with your Tamagotchi contract. Also, please paste your Tamagotchi program address as shown in the example below: