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System signals

In Programs on Vara, there are three common entry points:

  • init
  • handle
  • handle_reply

The Vara network also introduces the handle_signal entry point, enabling the system to communicate with programs and notify them (signal) of events related to the program's messages. Only the system (Gear node runtime) can send signal messages to a program.

The system sends messages to a program in the event of errors during program execution. For example, a program can panic or run out of gas.

The gstd library provides a separate function for reserving gas exclusively for system signal messages.

.expect("Error during system gas reservation");

The function cannot send other regular cross-actor messages. Although signals allow inter-actor communication, they do not suit regular cross-actor message sending.

Signal messages utilize gas reserved exclusively for them. If there is no reserved gas for system messages, the system skips them, and the program does not receive them.

If there's reserved gas and no system messages occur during the ongoing execution, the gas will return to its source.

When your program uses asynchronous messages and expands the handle_signal entry point with the #[gstd::async_main] macro, it frees up the resources that the program occupies.

Using custom async logic involves storing Futures in the program's memory in Gear. The execution context of these Futures can occupy a significant amount of memory, especially when dealing with many Futures.


If a program sends a message and waits for a reply but cannot receive it, it may be due to insufficient gas.

For instance, when the initial message in the waitlist runs out of gas or the gas amount is inadequate, the program cannot receive a reply.

To handle signals in your program, you can define your own my_handle_signal entry point and write custom logic for your program.

In the next section, we'll explore how to write the my_handle_signal function in the auction contract.